

Leyland Cypress (“x Cupressocyparis leylandii.”)


The Leyland cypress (x Cupressocyparis leylandii) is a popular evergreen tree that is commonly used for landscaping and hedging purposes. It is a hybrid tree that was created by crossing the Monterey cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) and the Alaskan cedar (Callitropsis nootkatensis).


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The Leyland cypress (x Cupressocyparis leylandii) is a popular evergreen tree that is commonly used for landscaping and hedging purposes. It is a hybrid tree that was created by crossing the Monterey cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) and the Alaskan cedar (Callitropsis nootkatensis). Here are some key characteristics and information about the Leyland cypress:

  1. Appearance: Leyland cypresses are tall, slender trees that can reach heights of up to 60 to 70 feet (18 to 21 meters) or even more in ideal conditions. They have a pyramidal to columnar shape and dense, dark green foliage. The foliage consists of small, scale-like leaves arranged in flattened sprays.
  2. Growth Rate: Leyland cypresses are known for their rapid growth rate. They can grow several feet per year when young, making them a popular choice for creating privacy screens and windbreaks.
  3. Uses: Due to their fast growth and dense foliage, Leyland cypresses are often used as hedging plants, windbreaks, or privacy screens. They can also be planted as specimen trees in larger landscapes.
  4. Maintenance: These trees require regular pruning to maintain their shape and prevent them from becoming too dense. Pruning is typically done in late winter or early spring. Leyland cypresses prefer well-drained soil and can tolerate a variety of soil types. They are relatively drought-tolerant once established but benefit from regular watering, especially during dry periods.
  5. Sunlight: Leyland cypresses thrive in full sun but can tolerate some partial shade.
  6. Disease and Insect Issues: While Leyland cypresses are generally hardy, they can be susceptible to certain diseases and pests, such as canker diseases and spider mites. Proper care and maintenance, including pruning to improve air circulation, can help prevent these issues.
  7. Environmental Considerations: Planting Leyland cypresses too close together or using them as a monoculture in a landscape can lead to issues with disease and poor growth. Additionally, their rapid growth can make them invasive in some areas, as they can outcompete native vegetation.
  8. Alternative Choices: Because of the potential for disease and invasive growth, some gardeners and landscapers choose alternative evergreen trees or shrubs for hedges and windbreaks, such as arborvitae (Thuja), junipers, or native species.

It’s important to consider your specific landscaping needs, local climate, and environmental factors when choosing whether or not to plant Leyland cypresses. Proper care and maintenance are key to ensuring their health and longevity in your landscape.

Best Planting Time

You may plant Leyland Cypress trees any time of the year especially off the cold season.


Leyland cypress trees are known for their rapid growth, which makes them popular for various landscaping purposes, including privacy screens and windbreaks. The time it takes for Leyland cypress trees to mature can vary depending on several factors, including growing conditions, climate, and local soil quality. Generally, you can expect the following growth milestones:

First Year: Leyland cypress trees typically grow the most during their first year after planting. They can easily put on 2 to 3 feet (about 60 to 90 cm) of height or more during this initial growth spurt.

2 to 5 Years: During the first five years, Leyland cypress trees can reach a height of 15 to 25 feet (4.5 to 7.5 meters) or more, depending on local conditions and care.

10 Years: By the end of a decade, Leyland cypresses can often reach a height of 30 to 50 feet (9 to 15 meters) or even more if conditions are ideal. They will have developed a substantial width as well.

Full Maturity: Leyland cypresses can continue to grow for several decades. In optimal conditions, they can ultimately reach a height of 60 to 70 feet (18 to 21 meters) or more. However, their growth rate typically slows down after the initial rapid growth phase.

It's important to note that growth rates can vary significantly based on factors such as soil quality, water availability, sunlight, and local climate. In areas with good soil, regular watering, and adequate sunlight, Leyland cypresses tend to grow faster. In less favorable conditions, growth may be slower.

Additionally, proper care and maintenance, including pruning, can affect the shape and overall health of the trees as they mature. Pruning can help maintain a desirable shape and density while preventing overcrowding and potential issues with disease and pests.

Keep in mind that Leyland cypress trees can be relatively short-lived compared to some other tree species, with a typical lifespan of 20 to 30 years or occasionally longer if well-maintained. As they mature, they may also require more frequent pruning and care to ensure their longevity and health.

Size Of The Hole

The size of a hole for Leyland cypress trees when planting should be 60cm (length) by 60cm (width) by 60cm (height).
Prepare the soil by adding organic matter and ensuring good drainage before planting.


The ideal spacing for Leyland Cypress trees is 3.0m between rows and 3.0m within the row, this is to ensure that you cater for good air circulation and leave room for growth of the plant. Note that Leyland Cypress trees thrive in full sunlight, so choose a location that receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day.


Establish a Watering Schedule:
Water at least 3 times a week during all seasons.
Water deeply to saturate the root zone at least twice a week.

Deep Watering:
When irrigating, apply water slowly and deeply to encourage deep root growth. This helps the plants to access water stored deeper in the soil, making it more resilient to drought.

Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as wood chips or straw or compost, around the base of the plants to help conserve soil moisture, regulate soil temperature, and reduce weed competition.

Micro-jet irrigation is an excellent choice for the plants because they deliver water directly to the root zone.

Water atleast 3 times a week.

The best time to water is in the early morning hours before sunrise and in the evenings when the rate of evaporation is very low. You may choose either time for you to water your plants.


Apply comfrey liquid or animal manure such as goat or cow rotten manure.


Planting Leyland cypress trees can offer several benefits in various landscaping and environmental contexts. Here are some of the key advantages of planting Leyland cypress trees:

Privacy Screening: Leyland cypress trees are commonly used to create privacy screens or hedges due to their rapid growth and dense foliage. When planted close together, they can form an effective barrier, shielding your property from unwanted views or noise.

Windbreaks: These trees are excellent for creating windbreaks in windy areas. Planted strategically, they can reduce wind speed, protect other plants from wind damage, and create a more comfortable outdoor environment.

Aesthetic Appeal: Leyland cypress trees have an attractive pyramidal or columnar shape with lush, dark green foliage. They add beauty and greenery to landscapes and can serve as a backdrop for other plants and garden features.

Property Value: Well-maintained landscaping, including Leyland cypresses, can enhance the curb appeal and value of your property. Mature Leyland cypresses can be a desirable feature for potential buyers.

Wildlife Habitat: The dense foliage of Leyland cypresses provides shelter for birds and small wildlife. They can become part of a habitat for local wildlife species, contributing to biodiversity.

Erosion Control: Planting Leyland cypresses on slopes or hillsides can help control soil erosion by stabilizing the soil with their root systems.

Sound Barrier: The thick growth of Leyland cypresses can help reduce noise pollution, making your outdoor spaces quieter and more peaceful.

Versatility: Leyland cypresses are adaptable to a variety of soil types and can tolerate different growing conditions, making them versatile for use in many landscaping situations.

Rapid Growth: One of the standout features of Leyland cypresses is their fast growth rate, especially when they are young. This makes them a popular choice when you want to establish a hedge or windbreak relatively quickly.

Low Maintenance: While they require regular pruning to maintain their shape and health, Leyland cypresses are generally low-maintenance trees. They are relatively drought-tolerant once established and can thrive with basic care.

Despite their many benefits, it's essential to consider some potential drawbacks when planting Leyland cypress trees. They can be susceptible to certain diseases and pests, especially in humid or crowded conditions. Additionally, they may not have a long lifespan compared to some other tree species. To maximize the benefits and longevity of your Leyland cypresses, proper care, spacing, and maintenance are crucial.

Mode of use

Leyland cypress (x Cupressocyparis leylandii) can be used in various ways in landscaping to serve both functional and aesthetic purposes. Here are some common uses for Leyland cypress in landscaping:

Privacy Screens and Hedges: Leyland cypresses are often used to create privacy screens and hedges due to their rapid growth and dense foliage. Plant them close together in a row to form a barrier that shields your property from neighbors, roads, or other unwanted views. Proper spacing and regular pruning are essential to maintain their shape and density.

Windbreaks: These trees are excellent for creating windbreaks in windy areas, particularly in agricultural settings. When planted strategically, they can reduce wind speed and protect crops or other plants from wind damage.

Boundary Markers: Leyland cypresses can be used to define property boundaries or create a living fence. They add a natural, green border to your landscape.

Backdrops: Plant Leyland cypresses as a backdrop for other garden features, such as flower beds, shrubs, or sculptures. Their tall, columnar shape and dark green foliage can provide an attractive background for your garden.

Noise Reduction: The dense growth of Leyland cypresses can help reduce noise pollution, making them a useful choice if you live near a busy road or in a noisy urban area.

Erosion Control: Planting Leyland cypresses on slopes or hillsides can help control soil erosion by stabilizing the soil with their extensive root systems.

Wildlife Habitat: The dense foliage provides shelter for birds and small wildlife. They can become part of a habitat for local wildlife species, contributing to biodiversity.

Aesthetic Landscaping: Use Leyland cypresses to add greenery and structure to your landscape. Their attractive, evergreen foliage can serve as a focal point or complement other ornamental plants in your garden.

Shade Trees: While Leyland cypresses are often used for their vertical growth, they can also provide shade when allowed to grow into a broader shape. This can be beneficial for creating shaded areas in your yard.

Screening Unsightly Views: If you have unsightly views, such as utility boxes or dumpsters, Leyland cypresses can be strategically planted to screen and hide them from sight.

When using Leyland cypresses in your landscaping, it's important to consider factors such as spacing, location, and ongoing maintenance. Proper care, including regular pruning and watering, is necessary to ensure their health and longevity. Additionally, be mindful of potential issues like diseases and pests that can affect these trees, especially when planted in close proximity.


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